Canned food is often overlooked as a convenient source of nutrition, and you may be surprised to know that they are a really easy way to add vitamins and minerals into your diet.
“Your daily diet should contain the right amount of calories for your energy needs, as well as a good balance of carbohydrates, fat, protein, fibre, vitamin and minerals – and the Everyday Nutrition chart will show you how much you should be eating each day and where you can get your daily quota,” says nutritionist, Amanda Hamilton.
“Through a varied diet of fresh, frozen and canned foods it’s easy to ensure you’re eating the right way, every day.”
The Everyday Nutrition Chart details why we need different vitamins and minerals in our daily diet, and which foods contain them. The easiest way to ensure you are getting the right foods your body needs is to eat a variety of things from the five main food groups:
Make these a base for every meal. Each one is used for energy and contain folic acid, other B vitamins, iron, fibre and vitamin E. Try and include wholemeal and wholegrain breads and cereals for extra vitamins, minerals and fibre.
Aim for at least five portions a day. Fruit and vegetables are a great source of vitamin C, beta-carotene (which promotes good eyesight), iron, calcium and folic acid – amongst others. Don’t forget that all types count; canned, fresh, frozen, dried and juiced.
An ideal source of protein, calcium, B vitamins, vitamins A and D – plus others – aim for two to three servings a day. Low fat varieties contain just as much bone-strengthening calcium, too!
Lean meat, oily fish (such as mackerel and salmon) and canned beans all fit into this category and you should aim for two to three servings each day. These foods are a good source of protein, iron, B vitamins, and others.
Small amounts of fats are essential in every healthy diet, and are good for vitamin E and energy. Choose oils and spreading fats high in unsaturated fat, such as olive, repressed or soya oil.
For more information, request your free Everyday Nutrition wall chart or download it here.
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